About Hope

"When evil people plot, good people must plan. When evil people shout ugly words of hatred, good people must commit themselves to the glories of love." - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope.
Winston Churchill

Any people anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up, and shake off the existing government, and form a new one that suits them better. This is a most valuable - a most sacred right - a right, which we hope and believe, is to liberate the world.
Abraham Lincoln

Monday, September 17, 2012

The Duff Conacher Democratic Renewal Program

Duff Conacher and Democracy Watch have been the most effective person and organization for the securing of citizen rights and good practices in Canadian government. 

We don't have to do this work over again - 'reinvent the wheel'. They are the best and I support their work, research and recommendations. 

I also have ideas about how to implement from of these ideas using traditional Canadian governance methods.

Duff Conacher is an internationally recognized leader in the area of
democratic reform and government accountability. He is a former
Ralph Nader's Raider, co-author of Canada Firsts and author of More
Canada Firsts
(both best-sellers), and has worked as a researcher,
community organizer and educator, legal intern and consultant.

A graduate of the University of Toronto Faculty of Law, he has a
long-standing interest in democratic process and corporate
responsibility issues and is the Founder of Democracy Watch, was its
Coordinator for 18 years, and is now an active Board member.

He led Democracy Watch and its four nation-wide coalitions to win more
changes to laws, regulations and government policies than any other
citizen advocacy group in Canada between 1993 and 2011 -- more than 110
changes in total, many of them world-leading. He also led Democracy Watch
to win precedent-setting good government court cases, and regular national
media coverage.

He is the author of three annual good government reports on Canada
for Global Integrity. Duff has also designed and delivered dozens of
civics education and organizational development workshops over the
past 18 years as Assistant Coordinator of Democracy Education Network.

20 Steps towards a Modern, Working Democracy

Democracy Watch's mandate, 20 Steps towards a Modern, Working Democracy (set out below) proposes changes that all governments in Canada should enact (according to their respective powers) to ensure that Canadian citizens have a greater and more meaningful role in government and corporate decision-making in Canada.
Democracy Watch's "20 Steps" mandate is based upon Democracy Watch's Definition of a Democratic Society.

NOTE - Mr. Conacher's name and the material from the Democracy Watch website is used with his permission.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Senator Herb Sparrow Soil Sustainability Program

Senator Sparrow devoted his life to the service of his country and to the challenges of agriculture. His work on soil sustainability was groundbreaking and we intend to carry it forward to honour another Great Canadian and friend of my campaign as part of the 'Sustainability in all things' Program.

We are honoured that Sen. Sparrow consented to us using his name and career work as part of our plan for a better Canada in the future.

From The Battlefords News-Optimist

Soil Conservation
During the 1980s Sparrow concentrated his efforts on a senate committee report on soil conservation. Soil at Risk became a seminal work, with such impact as to literally change the way people farm on the prairies and around the world. There used to be 45 per cent of crop land in summer fallow each year, now that number is five per cent, he notes.

"The issue was so serious, I would take ten years of my life to do this," he recalls.

The report, which at 50,000 copies has had a print run ten times greater than the threshold for a Canadian bestseller, is still being requested. Recently, another 400 were sent to Australia.

His North Battleford office, located close by to KFC, is festooned with accolades for that work. The short list of the honours include an honorary doctorate from McGill University, a medal from the United Nations for conservation, citations for various halls of fame and the H.R. MacMillan Laureate. That final honour, given to Sparrow in 1989, is awarded to the Canadian who has given the greatest contribution to Canadian agriculture in the past five years. It is awarded only twice a decade.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Doctor Neal Stoskopf Global Food Development Project -

Doctor Stoskopf is another Canadian of genius who has expressed his support and encouragement for The Plan of Hope and has agreed to permit us to use his name as a sign of that support.

Helping the Nations of the World Feed Themselves and Each Other

- Sustainability in Agricultural Practices -  *Sustainability in ALL Things*

"For more than 50 years, Dr. Neal Stoskopf has been an exemplary educator, mentor, researcher and volunteer both locally and internationally.

Dr. Stoskopf’s innovative research has been presented in over 40 papers and publications. He has been invited to speak at agricultural meetings, service clubs, high schools, and to industry. Through his compelling speeches on important issues such as energy, food supply, and climate change, he has aided in recruitment efforts and helped attract students to the University.

After retirement, Dr. Stoskopf pursued his passion for global agriculture and became an international volunteer. He has undertaken assignments in China, the Philippines, Bolivia and Bulgaria as a Volunteer Advisor teaching sustainable agricultural practices. Dr. Stoskopf has made an outstanding humanitarian contribution, providing hope for people living in unspeakably poor conditions."

 The University of Guelph Alumni Association named Neal Stoskopf as the recipient of the Alumnus of Honour Award in 2009. 

NOTE - Neal is also a very good friend to me which is a great benefit that enriches my perspective.   Oddly enough one of the things we have in common is visual impairment.  I was blind and had my eyesight surgically restored [most of it] and Neal also sees more than most with his limited eyesight.  We also share experience in China and we met at church.

More links for Doctor Neal Stoskopf - A Great Canadian

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Major-General Lewis Wharton MacKenzie National Security and Defense Plan

Retired Canadian General Lewis MacKenzie knows what I know. Canada is essentially defenseless at this point. Our Armed Forces are insignificant in today's world of war and our armaments are antiquated and not adequate to national defense.

I propose a significant increase in the numbers of our armed forces personnel – doubling the number in ten years and thereby providing jobs, training and much needed service to the nation and people.

This would be accompanied by a smorgasbord of up-to-date equipment and technology. We will then be better equipped to be good Allies and Friends and more formidable enemies.

See Gen. Mackenzie and hear him in his own words at the link below as he appeals for Reason in the analysis and practice of our national defense needs. He is concerned and his concern is based upon science and math, not upon ideology and greed like those in the halls of power.  He wants Canada and Canadians to be safe.  This is his duty and it is the duty of every citizen.

Here's a link to a brief article about how I view our current state of affairs in the area of national defense and security under the Harper Government.

...we have no final plans for air defense, no follow through with Northern deployment, no maintenance of the size of force we employ and deploy, no rescue helicopters, no usable [or reusable!] submarines, no shallow water rescue and defense Navy and Coast Guard boats – high speed with a shallow displacement and heavily weaponed for fiords, narrows, the North. 

There is no comprehensive and systematic fresh and salt water rescue and defense planning, emergency planning or Plan period. What exactly are we getting for the huge and ballooning military budget?”

Highways to Nowhere – Stephen Harper's Policy Plan for Canada

CANADA – Together we are strong and safe.”

Thursday, June 28, 2012

The MacDonald-Cartier National Unity Program – Strength in Diversity.

John A. MacDonald and George-Etienne Cartier found common ground that permitted unified action and Union for CANADA. All that followed depended upon finding that initial common ground. Otherwise there could have been no Confederation, no National Dream, no railroad from coast to coast, no CANADA.  

This all came about because of the pressures of perceived threats from without.  The United States of America was in the midst of a violent civil war and their expansionist policies made the Colony of Canada seem like a sensible next target for their growing land base. The War of 1812 was still remembered by some.

In the 21st Century we find ourselves again facing grim truths that threaten our national existence and even our planet. We need to dig deep into the sources of Canadian unity – stop fighting and demanding more when what is needed is a spirit of generosity. 

We need to recognize that 34 million people is a small population in the global community. China graduated more that 34 million engineers last year. If we are going to compete successfully we are more likely to succeed together rather than by fighting with and against one another.

“CANADA – Together we are strong!”

Building upon the programs, mind-set and values that first knit CANADA together in 1867 we can create a deeper unity that is democratic, prosperous and independent. This is an integral element in this Plan of Hope.

Watch for more information about the MacDonald-Cartier National Unity Program in coming days.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

The Premier Peter Lougheed Principle of Legislative Democracy

The Peter Lougheed Principle for Legislative Action

Here is a great idea for the nurture and maintenance of our democracy from the former Premier of Alberta who was recently voted CANADA's best Premier in the past forty years.  He claims it has been the key to the success of the Progressive Conservative Party in Alberta which started with him and continues today with Premier Alison Redford.

"Caucus overrides Cabinet in all cases and with all pieces of legislation.  Always!"

Monday, June 11, 2012

Rejuvenate the Planet - The James Miller Williams Industrial Development Plan

We can, should and must Rejuvenate the Planet - and - we should profit and produce wealth in the process.  Goodwill towards the Planet will pay great dividends in our children's future.  There is far more to wealth than money.

The James Miller Williams Industrial Development Plan

James Miller Williams is a largely unknown Canadian who profoundly affected all of us.  He is credited with inventing the petroleum industry, natural gas and petrochemical industries, the asphalt industries [paving, roofing, marine].  

Williams also helped build the first Canadian railways and rolling stock, the first insurance  companies and banks and the first roads.  He even paved the first road in North America at Hamilton, Ontario where he lived.  He invented many of the things that have made the 20th Century possible.  We need this kind of creative industrial thinking for the 21st Century that is Sustainable in every way. 

As a Liberal MPP for Hamilton in 1867-79 my great-grandfather was also a "Father of Confederation".  This is the kind of person who made Canada great.  As in the time of Sir Walter Scott we are in need of "...people of daring resolve."

This Plan Combines Environmentalism and Industrial Creativity

- Let's begin with the oceans.  If humanity is to survive for the next hundred or two hundred years then it is imperative that we clean up the frightful Mess in the global ocean systems.  I have a plan to begin this process by harvesting the vast fortune in plastic that is floating in the enormous ocean currents.  
There are now simple methods available to tuRn plastic back into petroleum and this can create and sustain at least one new global industry.  But more likely several derivative industries will develop in the 'wake' of this trans-ocean enterprise. 

There are great fortunes floating in the oceans and all we have to do is harvest them...like fish or lobsters.  This will require new ocean technologies, new boats and storage facilities on vessels and on shore.

Marine debris into money

also see this - 

Waste to Energy Directory 

Reforestation of the Earth Plan  - follow link

Sustainability Treaties

We need to start making Sustainability Treaties with one another and with other nations.  This new idea will help bring the global stewardship Problem into focus.

The Sustainable Economics Plan - follow link

We can achieve much more with much less if we learn to be more economical.  Economy USED to mean being careful with resources.  More recently it has come to mean rip, use, destroy and consume everything as fast as possible and ignore the resultant messes and shortages.  If we intend to leave any kind of safe and useful world for our families then we must be good environmental and economic stewards. 
"Don't use it up.  Use it gently."