About Hope

"When evil people plot, good people must plan. When evil people shout ugly words of hatred, good people must commit themselves to the glories of love." - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope.
Winston Churchill

Any people anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up, and shake off the existing government, and form a new one that suits them better. This is a most valuable - a most sacred right - a right, which we hope and believe, is to liberate the world.
Abraham Lincoln

Monday, June 11, 2012

Rejuvenate the Planet - The James Miller Williams Industrial Development Plan

We can, should and must Rejuvenate the Planet - and - we should profit and produce wealth in the process.  Goodwill towards the Planet will pay great dividends in our children's future.  There is far more to wealth than money.

The James Miller Williams Industrial Development Plan

James Miller Williams is a largely unknown Canadian who profoundly affected all of us.  He is credited with inventing the petroleum industry, natural gas and petrochemical industries, the asphalt industries [paving, roofing, marine].  

Williams also helped build the first Canadian railways and rolling stock, the first insurance  companies and banks and the first roads.  He even paved the first road in North America at Hamilton, Ontario where he lived.  He invented many of the things that have made the 20th Century possible.  We need this kind of creative industrial thinking for the 21st Century that is Sustainable in every way. 

As a Liberal MPP for Hamilton in 1867-79 my great-grandfather was also a "Father of Confederation".  This is the kind of person who made Canada great.  As in the time of Sir Walter Scott we are in need of "...people of daring resolve."

This Plan Combines Environmentalism and Industrial Creativity

- Let's begin with the oceans.  If humanity is to survive for the next hundred or two hundred years then it is imperative that we clean up the frightful Mess in the global ocean systems.  I have a plan to begin this process by harvesting the vast fortune in plastic that is floating in the enormous ocean currents.  
There are now simple methods available to tuRn plastic back into petroleum and this can create and sustain at least one new global industry.  But more likely several derivative industries will develop in the 'wake' of this trans-ocean enterprise. 

There are great fortunes floating in the oceans and all we have to do is harvest them...like fish or lobsters.  This will require new ocean technologies, new boats and storage facilities on vessels and on shore.

Marine debris into money

also see this - 

Waste to Energy Directory 

Reforestation of the Earth Plan  - follow link

Sustainability Treaties

We need to start making Sustainability Treaties with one another and with other nations.  This new idea will help bring the global stewardship Problem into focus.

The Sustainable Economics Plan - follow link

We can achieve much more with much less if we learn to be more economical.  Economy USED to mean being careful with resources.  More recently it has come to mean rip, use, destroy and consume everything as fast as possible and ignore the resultant messes and shortages.  If we intend to leave any kind of safe and useful world for our families then we must be good environmental and economic stewards. 
"Don't use it up.  Use it gently."

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