About Hope

"When evil people plot, good people must plan. When evil people shout ugly words of hatred, good people must commit themselves to the glories of love." - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope.
Winston Churchill

Any people anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up, and shake off the existing government, and form a new one that suits them better. This is a most valuable - a most sacred right - a right, which we hope and believe, is to liberate the world.
Abraham Lincoln

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Delivering Hope

This new blog is intended to be the vehicle for the Plan of Hope that I have been developing with a team of other Canadians.  

We are all concerned for our families and alarmed about the possible outcomes faced by our children in the 21st Century.  This plan is based upon math and analysis rather than ideology, so it welcomes and needs the participation of all Canadians.

I have used my own Administration skills to develop this Plan and it is intended to follow upon and complement the material in the essays set Building The Canadian Dream and the bookblog Delivering Hope.  I have done this and am doing it out of a sense of duty as a parent, as a Canadian, and Global citizen.

I am convinced that the resources we have at our disposal makes us the only possible nation able to provide leadership as we confront the Global Crisis about which I have been writing for several years.  This is the nuts and bolts of the available Solutions as I see it presently.

"This is the first generation in human history in which parents must turn to their children in order to learn the skills necessary for survival [and success]."

As always I take the view and side of young people -  babies and infants, children and youths, young adults and the young @ heart who are looking for Equality and Inclusion in this effort to survive and succeed together in the 21st Century.  These people have no voice and so I speak for them.  They want to be included and to be treated justly.

We can do this together with great ease and great profit.   We can do it with great joy and satisfaction at every stage of the project.  I'm already doing it with a growing crowd of others.  I hope you'll join us soon and help us to Build this Dream.

There is no substitute for Hope.  It brings comfort, inspiration, motivation, imagination, along with self-confidence and self-respect.  Presently our children are largely without hope and I intend to continue to change that.

"Peace Pays more and better than war."

"Don't just keep the peace as required by law and religion...pass it on."

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